GAME ESSENCE Mixed strategies; minimax theorem
saddle points exist, the proper strategies and outcome are clear, but in some games there
are no saddle points. The normal form of such a game is given below. A
guard is hired to protect two safes: safe A contains $10,000 and safe B contains $100,000.
The guard can protect only one safe from the robber at a time. The robber and the guard
must decide in advance, without knowing what the other will do, which safe to approach. If
they go to the same safe, the robber gets nothing; if they go to different safes, the
robber keeps the contents of the unprotected safe. In such a game, theory does not suggest
any one particular strategy; instead, it prescribes that a strategy be chosen in
accordance with a probability distribution, which in this simple example is fairly easy to
determine. In larger, more complex games it involves solving a problem in linear
programming and can be quite difficult. To
calculate the appropriate probability distribution in this case, each player adopts a
strategy that makes him indifferent to what his opponent does. It can be assumed that the
guard protects safe A with probability p and safe B with probability (1 - p).
Thus, if the robber approaches safe A, he is successful whenever the guard protects safe
B; in other words, he gets $10,000 with probability (1 - p) and $0 with probability
p for an average gain of $10,000 (1 - p). Similarly, if the robber
approaches safe B, he gets $100,000 with probability p and $0 with probability (1 -
p) for an average gain of $100,000p. The guard will be indifferent to which
safe the robber chooses if the average amount the robber gains is the same in both
cases--that is, if $10,000 (1 - p) = $100,000p. It can then be calculated
that p = The
minimax theorem, which von Neumann proved in 1928, states that every finite, two-person
zero-sum game has a solution in mixed strategies. Specifically, it states that for every
such game between players A and B there are a value, V, and mixed strategies for
players A and B such that, if A adopts his appropriate mixed strategy, the outcome will be
at least as favourable to A as V, while, if B adopts his appropriate mixed
strategy, the outcome will be no more favourable to A than V. Thus, A and B have
the motivation and the power to enforce the outcome V.